2015 Gift Guide for Creatives

Hey creatives! Whether you're in the midst of Hannukah, gearing up for Christmas, office white elephant parties, or just thinking ahead for birthday gifts... here's a list for you!(Or rather your loved ones who generously gift you things you actually want!) What are your favorite creative gifts to give or receive? List them in the comments! 

1. For the instagram anywhere artist

2. To learn something new try a creative class.

3. To make sure you've got a built in craft project for each month try this starry calendar

4. For the phone photographer to get those crazy close ups! P.s. I want all the gifts on Photojojo!

5. For an instant whiff of inspiration hehehe.(Unicorn fans this is for you!)

6. To de-stress after holiday or finals madness, keep calm and color on

7. To keep track of your adventures and all they inspire.

8. From a pop culture phenom's perspective on creativity from my boy(I wish) Pharrell.

9. A DIY book from artists and designers all over the globe for you to enjoy at home.

10. And finally something for those ready to master their magic digital art skills

Hope your holidays are full of fun, love and non-itchy sweater parties. 

Peace, love & pixels,
