How to Handle LACK

I'm sitting on my couch, sun coming in through the windows, in total comfort... and also aware of this underlying feeling of - lack.

Or rather FEAR of lack. 

I look around and can see abundance. Yet the feeling persists. 

Everyone is diving into the holiday spirit- which actually seems to means a huge focus on buying gifts, mostly. I feel the tension from my past self coming in... how will I participate in the holidays and gift in a way that feels, not just good, but good ENOUGH??

A huge piece of my money story includes NOT being able to be as generous materially as I would have liked with my friends and family. 

I know I'm generous emotionally with my loved ones. I listen, I show up for them, I support them... but I also always had this love language of giving great gifts that seemed to be impossible to act on the way I wanted! 

Each year during birthdays, holidays, even just random times I felt the urge to "gift", I'd feel total LACK. It felt terrible, it still feels terrible thinking of all the times I just COULDN'T live, love & share in the way I wanted. 

I knew inner Sonya, higher self Sonya, was a generous gifter- not to "show off"  or to avoid emotions or to do anything besides give someone something I knew would bring JOY. 

It's true money DOES NOT BUY HAPPINESS. But let's be real!
It totally CAN increase our comfort, our safety, our health, our freedom, our ability to live- and yes love- the way we truly desire. 

So if LOVE isn't a good enough reason to aim for MORE THAN ENOUGH, I don't know what is. 

I will aim for wealth because of love- because I LOVE myself and I want to be safe, comfortable, healthy and fully living the way I feel called to. Which includes being generous with people I love. During the holidays- and anytime the desire strikes!

I will aim for wealth because I LOVE my family, and the little souls that I know are in my future family. They also deserve safety, comfort and health in the highest degree I can provide.

I will aim for wealth because I LOVE my clients and my work. The more money I make means the more women I've impacted, the more I've helped. The more they are living in alignment with their highest selves.

And now I will surrender again- to allowing wealth in, to allowing myself to receive, to allowing myself to THINK and ACT differently so I can continue along my path of true alignment. I know that true alignment includes wealth, includes joy, includes living, working & loving EXACTLY as my heart desires.

I will add gifts to online carts and practice gratitude, tapping into abundance that is circulating around all of us. I will use my tools to energetically, emotionally and materially create an experience that FEELS GOOD to my highest self.

I invite you to do the same. I invite you to allow in the joy, the love, the wealth that is 100% available to you right now. Breathe it in! Allow the flow, allow the surrender.

*Get support for stepping into your next level of wealth & abundance mindset by checking out how we can work together.